არქივის მოხმარება

თანამედროვე ხელოვნების არქივი - თბილისი

აკადემიური ნაშრომების მონაცემთა ბაზა

პროექტის 2021 წლის გამოშვების მხარდამჭერია საქართველოს კულტურის, სპორტის და ახალგაზრდობის სამინისტრო

შეშლილი ჩაის სმა (ინსტალაციის დეტალის ფოტო)


ლია ბაგრატიონი

მაგიდა დამტვრეული გამოუწვავი თიხის ფინჯნებით, ლამბაქებით და ჩაიდნებით

“'It's the stupidest tea-party I ever was at in all my life!'

Lewis Carrol

“. . . tell him you saw me and that . . . that you saw me. You're sure you saw me, you won't come and tell me tomorrow that you never saw me!”

Samuel Beckett

A Mad Tea-Party

The title of my observed object is a “A Mad Tea-Party”. The ideal condition of having tea is associated with a calm and disciplined atmosphere and it has nothing to do with the madness. Therefore the title of my object “A Mad Tea-Party” is an absurd with its word order. According to the heading we have an expectation that the process of drinking tea should happen in front of us. And if it happens in front of us then we should see people in the process of drinking tea, therefore, people in the process of drinking tea should be sitting around the table and the table should be covered with all the necessary attributes.

But here we have a different issue – neither the utensil is usable for having a tea with it, nor the people are sitting at the table. And if so, it means that there is no tea party as well. Although the title states that the tea-party is happening now. And if it is happening now and we cannot see those people drinking tea, maybe we