არქივის მოხმარება

თანამედროვე ხელოვნების არქივი - თბილისი

აკადემიური ნაშრომების მონაცემთა ბაზა

პროექტის 2021 წლის გამოშვების მხარდამჭერია საქართველოს კულტურის, სპორტის და ახალგაზრდობის სამინისტრო

პროექტი - მედიაგრაფიტი


გიორგი ტაბატაძე

ცვალებადი ზომები სმ.


Especially significant in this research was the story of the monument that has been blown up and destroyed right after 2008 war with Russia. As if newly traumatized by war country wanted to take out all its anger and feeling of humiliation onto the monument that was erected by Soviets. Visually its looked like the “take off” of the cosmic shuttle but one with an impossible trajectory to achieve.

The mosaic is called impossible trajectory because our desire to shoot this monument away from our public space, erase it from our collective memory is an impossible task. This obsession of fighting with massive concrete constructions of Soviet monuments is basically rationalization (to use psychoanalytical term) of something else,... rationalization of something that shouldn't come out on the surface, shouldn't be said,.. and It is highly symbolic that this desire turned back with two dead innocent lives, who died from the fractures of explosions.

For more information about the project visit artist's webpage.